Saturday, June 5, 2010

Final May Spending Report

Let's start with the numbers:
Clothing: $9.00 not budgeted (-$9.00 Over)
Entertainment: $181.71 of $300.00 budgeted ($118.29 Under)
Fees: $137.10 not budgeted (-$137.10 Over)
Food - Eating Out: $324.39 of $300.00 budgeted ($24.39 Over)
Food - Groceries: $85.78 of $200.00 budgeted ($114.26 Under)
Household: $560.52 of $752.32 budgeted ($191.80 Under)
Mortgage: $2,053.21 of $2,053.21 budgeted ($0 Over)
Miscellaneous: $1,043.40 not budgeted (-$1,043.40 Over)
Projects: $344.79 of $50.00 budgeted ($294.79 Over)
Vehicle $696.57 of $480.00 budgeted ($216.57 Over)
Total Spent: $4,992.89 of $4,142.00 ($850.89 over)

The biggest areas of concern are the "Miscellaneous" and "Project" categories. I hadn't added anything for the miscellaneous section at all, which was a mistake. Though a lot of this could probably be better accounted for and put in other categories if I tracked all my recepts. The "project" section was just way out of control. I have a lot of project materials, and need to just use what I have rather than continually finding new projects and needing new materials.

Eating out was also above what was budgeted, and that was with a trip to Las Vegas planned. This will probably go down in June, as the babies are due and I have a harder time getting out. But it's still a huge expense.

Vehicles were also above and beyond what was budgeted. Most of the difference was parts D ordered for his car. Maybe more needs to be budgeted into this area, as I know there are a couple concerns we need to address over the next couple months before D leaves.

So, the goals for June:
Clothing: $50
Entertainment: $100.00
Fees: $75
Eating out: $200.00
Groceries: $200.00
Household: $600.00
Mortgage: $2,053.21
Miscellaneous: $500.00
Projects: $50.00
Vehicle Fuel: $200.00
Vehicle Other: $200.00
Total Spending Goal: $4,228.21 or less

This is more than I budgeted last month, but I think the miscellaneous catergory is going to need to be budgeted, which is probably the biggest difference. Income should still be right around $4,735.53 leaving a little over $500.00 to pay down the equity line.

Let's see how we can do for June!