Monday, May 3, 2010

April Spending Report

This is a spending report for April. It isn't completely accurate as I'm still waiting on some additional information. Also, since I wasn't tracking it through out the month, some things are not divided as they should be (like the groceries in the Wal-mart purchases). But the in-flow and the out-flow numbers are pretty accurate... and SCARY!!

Total income for April: $4,735.58

Total expenditures for April: $8,781.09

So we spent more than $4,000 MORE than we earned last month. Some of it was one time expenditures. But not enough! Here is a breakdown of where most of the mony went:

Entertainment: $296.74 ($55 was a yearly Zoo membership)
Fees: $45.19
Eating Out: $438.30
Groceries: $559.07 ($473.03 was at Sam's Club, stocking up for the Twins birth. This however, does not include the food purchased at Wal-Mart this month, which is where most of it was purchased)
Chiropractic Care: $115
Household (including Nanny): $445.00
Mortgage Payments (on both properites): $2,053.21
Miscellaneous: $943.95 (including $322.31 for a new laptop)
Wal-Mart: $609.66
Projects: $241.41
Survival Supplies: $398.12
Vehicles: $2,265.14 (Most of which was getting the Excursion set up, including the windows, the alarm and exhaust work done. Also we had to register the Jetta this month. These together cost $1,895.83)

So about $2,491.18 was major but non-recurring. That still leaves expenses at $6,259.91, which is $1,554.33 more than we earned last month.


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