Thursday, May 20, 2010


I finally got around to updating our spending report and I was disappointed, though not suprised. I'll start with the numbers.

Clothing: $9.00 not budgeted (-$9.00 over)
Entertainment: $134.96 of $300.00 budgeted ($165.04 remaining)
Fees: $42.50 not budgeted(-42.50 over)
Eating Out: $141.74 of $300.00 budgeted ($158.26 remaining)
Groceries: $85.74 of $200.00 budgeted ($114.26 remaining)
Household: $469.36 of $752.32 budgeted ($282.96 remaining)
Mortgage: $2,053.21 if $2,053.21 budgeted ($0 remaining)
Miscellaneous: $1,063.60 not budgeted (-$1,063.60 over)
Projects: $222.86 of $50.00 budgeted (-$172.86 over)
Vehicle: $626.54 of $480.00 budgeted (-$146.54 over)
TOTAL: $4,849.55 of $4,142.00

That makes us $707.55 over our budgeted amount at 2/3 of the way through the month.

I need to figure out where all the money is going in the "Miscellaneous" category. About $650 is split between a new gun purchase and defensive driving as Dallas got a speeding ticket. That still leaves about $400 that should be better accounted for.

Also, "Projects" got a bit out of control. I thought I had the stuff for most of the projects I wanted to do this month, but I ended up buying a lot more supplies. Most of it is for the girls, making their blessing dresses, and hairbows and stuff.

Dallas bought some additional parts for his Stealth, which is where the main difference is coming in on the "vehicles" category.

The two other areas where I was hoping not to spend were clothing (more baby stuff) and fees (overdraft charges).

So, I guess the question now is: "How little can we spend over the next 10 or 11 days?"

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