Monday, May 3, 2010

Improvement for May

After I posted our sad, sad month of April, I got to thinking: "Where can we improve for May?"

The Biggest drop should be in our vehicle expenses, but only because most of them were non-recurring. Still, I'm hoping that can spend less than $300 on fuel (we have a trip to Vegas planned for this month) and about $180 for insurance.

For entertainment, I think about $300 (Again, Vegas!!)

If we can avoid overdraft fees, we could save almost $50.00

We spent around $1300 for food, between groceries and eating out last month. I'd like to drop that A LOT, to about $500 total. We shouldn't need much from the store this month, and if we can limit eating out (except in VEGAS!) that should make a big difference. So around $200 for groceries and $300 for eating out.

The whole projects section should be almost gone for May. I will have to buy some trim for one of the blessing dresses I'm making. Other than that, I think we have everything that we need for most of my projects. So maybe $50 for the trim.

When I add these to the items that won't change (like mortgage payments and insurance) I come up with a total of $4,142.00. Since our income shouldn't change, it should be $4,735.53. That leaves us just under $600 remaining after expenses. That would be much better, but in the following months, I'd like to see how much better than this we can do.

Let's see how we do this month!!

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